Wednesday, October 7, 2009


asalnya, berbekalkan kamera compact nikon coolpix 2100, segala ceruk tok kun itu ja kamera yg aku bwk, simple, ringan n seharusnya compact in everything, but aku realize ada ketidakpuasan kepada semua gambar2 yg penah aku ambik(kabur, shaking, tuning colour problem). Ditambah pulak berada di dalam sekelompok sahabat2 yg giler kamera, jd aku dgn tidak pikir panjang d api2kan oleh rakan2, terus 'tangkap' ini punya kamera 'D60'..secara keseluruhannya ..sgt puas hati ...utk beginner mcm aku la..

ini ada serba sedikit info ttg D60 yg aku berjaya ciluk dr website mana ntah... :)

Nikon Corporation telah memperkenalkan kamera DSLR D60, kamera DSLR yang paling kecik dikalangan DSLR keluaran NIkon. sesapa yang berminat dgn kejituan, kecantikan, kewarna, kefotoan atau bhs muda-mudinya, gila babeng la dgn fotographi ni dn kurang mampu , D60 cukup memadai utk golongan tersebut. ng pictures while also offering plenty of features for those who want to deepen their interest in creative shooting

With a split-second shutter response, the D60 captures pictures that cameras with longer time lags miss. Ease of use and creative options both come standard with the D60, whose exclusive Nikon technologies help deliver high-quality pictures with vibrant color and stunning, edge-to-edge detail. razor-sharp pictures, and many cutting-edge Nikon features to further enhance your picture-taking experience. Nikon's advanced 3D Color Matrix Metering II ensures consistently balanced exposures for images with natural color and contrast, while Nikon's new digital image processing concept, EXPEED, makes it possible to deliver smoother tones and more accurate colors. Nikon's fast, quiet and precise autofocus system adds significantly to the performance of the D60, capturing exact moments with astounding clarity.
Such clarity is reinforced by Nikon's dust reduction countermeasures. To avoid picture-degrading dust particles accumulating near the imaging sensor, the D60 comes equipped with the innovative Image Sensor Cleaning function and Nikon's exclusive Airflow Control System. These functions both reduce dust accumulation to give you even better picture quality.
In addition to new dust reduction features, the D60 offers a variety of ways to experience more fun and creativity when taking pictures. Users can easily capture dynamic images in different shooting situations with a simple turn of the mode dial. The Retouch Menu offers even more creative excitement, letting you change your pictures into even more striking images – all fast, all simple and all without the need for a computer.
Compact and comfortable, the D60 has so much to offer: amazing picture quality, simple operation, an Integrated Dust Reduction System for clearer pictures and an extensive selection of creative features. The result: fun, fantastic and inspired pictures. The world of stunning photography is just a step away, with the Nikon D60.

With 10.2 megapixels and remarkable compactness, the D60 offers incredible picture quality, extensive built-in dust reduction technologies and a comprehensive set of creative options.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

apa kehey nye 'The Traveller'

sayang skali, dh byk tempat menarik aku pergi, dh bermacam negeri aku lawat, dh bermacam tempat aku cancelkan pengembaraan aku, alih2 rupanya, aku xdak apa nak ditunjukkan utk semua, malu jgk nak letakkan nama 'The Traveller', tp hentam la labu...kalau rs tak kena aku tukar ja nnti.

blog ni aku dh wujudkan dh hampir setahun, masa masih dok kat PEB Region, terkenang kdg2 aku xdak keja, ini la yg dibuatnya, buat apa ntah apa ntah, xpa asalkan aku buat benda berpaedah noh.

last week, aku berjaya cr kamera DSLR second hand, nasib baik ada mamt cina ni nak jual murah, itupun terketaq2 nak membayonya, dpt jugak aku 1st DSLR Nikon D60, permulaan utk seisi interaktif blog aku untuk tuntunan semua. sapa yg berminat dgn kamera 2nd hand masuk la mudah. com atau pun Free trade zone( taip ja kat google), mcm2 ada kt situ..

ini permulaan bicara aku..assalamualaikum semua..see next story...